Open Wed-Mon, 10 AM - 5 PM (Last Entry at 4 PM)

Warsaw Ghetto Uprising: Educator Resources

We are honored to share with you our new virtual Warsaw Ghetto Uprising exhibition to commemorate the 77th anniversary of the beginning of the Uprising on April 19th, 2020.

Explore a timeline of events that led to the largest and most symbolically important Jewish Uprising in German-occupied Europe. Learn about the courageous young leaders, including three local survivors who fought with dignity under impossible conditions. Listen and read the inspiring words written by Ghetto Revolt Commander Mordecai Anielewicz in his last letter to his friend and second-in-command Yitzhak Zukerman.  

Have students explore the online exhibit, Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. The exhibition begins with a brief introduction and leads visitors through a timeline of events leading up to, during, and after the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. After reviewing the timeline, students can further explore the exhibition by clicking on the tabs at the top of the page or accessing the menu linked at “MORE” on mobile devices.

Introduction Activity Introduction Answer Key

Exhibition Activities

Activity 1: Resistance is

Resistance poem activity Resistance poem activity answer key Reader’s theater instructions

Activity 1: Vocabulary Comprehension

Activity Answer key

Activity 3: Timeline of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

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Activity 4: Diary Activity

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Activity 5: Interview Activity

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Activity 6: Last Letter By Mordecai Anielewicz

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