We offer both virtual and traveling teaching trunks that are available during the entire school year.
Virtual Trunk: Memory, History, Culture: An Age-Appropriate Introduction to the Holocaust (Grades 5-6)
In this virtual teaching trunk, students examine how the lessons of the Holocaust and genocide can influence how we view the past and whether we choose to take a stand for positive change in the future.
- How themes of memory, history, and culture intersect in the study of the Holocaust
- What influences the way history is remembered and retold
- What encourages people to stand up for others
- Ready-made lesson plans for teachers to use synchronously or asynchronously
- Read-aloud books and corresponding activities & questions
- Hidden Figures: The Untold True Story of Four African-American Women who Helped Launch Our Nation Into Space
- Granddaddy’s Gift
- The Sneetches and Other Stories
- The Night Journey
- Video clips and extension activity ideas from Make A Difference! The Harvey L. Miller Family Youth Exhibition
- Artwork and activities from the Museum’s Act of Art gallery
- Virtual “artefact” explorations featuring inspiring stories of local Chicago Holocaust Survivors

Memory, History, Culture: An Age-Appropriate Introduction to the Holocaust (Grades 5-6)
Students examine how the lessons of Holocaust and genocide can influence how we remember the past and whether we choose to take a stand for positive change in the future. This curriculum will explore how the themes of memory, history and culture intersect in an investigation into beginning Holocaust studies.
- Tutti’s Promise
- Jacob’s Rescue
- Good-Bye Marianne
- Replica textiles
- Documents
- Photographs

Hour of Need: A Teaching Trunk for the Graphic Novel (Grades 6-12)
Bring Holocaust history to your classroom via classroom sets of the award-winning graphic novel, Hour of Need, which explores the history of the Holocaust in Denmark and the remarkable story of a family’s survival through the help of ordinary people who became upstanders during World War II.
- Empathetic connection to an individual family’s story told in a new, artistic medium.
- Local family history and connections.
- Human implications of choice and resistance, and becoming an Upstander.
- Classroom sets of Hour of Need, the award-winning graphic novel.
- Ready-made educator’s guide, lesson plans and activities created in collaboration with Humanus Network.
- Additional materials centered on Theresienstadt, reflecting the experiences of the Danish Jews who were unable to escape.
Hour of Need is supported by the Abe and Ida Cooper Foundation.