Virtual Trunk: Identity and Building a Positive Community (Grades K – 4)
In the virtual teaching trunk, students explore personal and cultural identity, empathy, family, and friendship through the lens of character education.
- How to be a contributing part of the local and global community
- What it takes to care of one’s self and others
- How and why to speak up for what is right
- How to speak up for those being bullied
- How to understand core values of respect, compassion, justice, civic virtue, and citizenship
- Ready-made lesson plans for teachers to use synchronously or asynchronously
- Read-aloud books and corresponding activities & questions
- And Tango Makes Three
- Carl the Complainer
- Elmer
- Frog and Toad Are Friends
- Video clips and activities from Make A Difference! The Harvey L. Miller Family Youth Exhibition

Myself, My Community (K-2nd Grade)
Students will explore personal and cultural identity, empathy, family, and friendship through the lens of character education. They will explore how to be a contributing part of their local and global community, what it takes to care for themselves and others, and how to speak up for what is right.
- The Lion and the Mouse
- The Name Jar
- If You Lived Here: Houses of the World