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Survivor Profiles: Dov Boros

To survive in any situation, you need luck and resilience, and you need a strong determination to survive.

Dov Boros

His Story:

Dov Boros was born in 1932 in Budapest, Hungary. His father conscripted and forced to work in a copper mine in Serbia. Dov, his mother, and his younger brother remained in Budapest, eventually moving into a Judenhaus. Dov experienced several “near-misses” with the Gestapo and the Arrow Cross, during which he was taken into custody but ultimately released. Dov’s mother obtained forged Spanish visas, which offered limited protection. The family finally chose to enter the Budapest ghetto because they had nowhere else to go. Shortly before the ghetto was to be liquidated, Budapest was liberated by the Soviet Army. Soon after, Dov’s father returned.

The family moved to Czechoslovakia and later to Israel. Dov earned a PhD at Hebrew University and came to the United States in 1968, where he was a medical school professor in Cleveland and later Detroit. Dov and his wife recently retired to the Chicago area to be closer to their grandchildren.  

Learn More:

Dov shares his 'most fearful moment' Coffee with a survivor facebook live session

Photo credits: John Pregulman

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