General Information The information below is required for identification purposes only, and is in no manner used as qualifications for participation in the Illinois Holocaust Museum & Education Centervolunteer program. The Museum is an Equal Opportunity Employer and does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, religion, age, disability, or national origin.
List previous volunteer experiences, including organization names, your role, dates served, and your reason for Leaving(Required) If no experience, please write “No experience.”
References Please list two references such as past or present employers, teachers, volunteer supervisors, etc.
We CANNOT accept family members or personal friends as references.
Ethnicity At times, the Museum is subject to certain governmental and donor recordkeeping and reporting requirements for the administration of civil rights laws, regulations, and diversity policies. In order to comply with these requirements, the Museum invites employees and volunteers to voluntarily self-identify their race, ethnicity, and religion. Submission of this information is strictly voluntary and refusal to provide it will not subject you to any adverse treatment. The information will be kept confidential and will only be used in accordance with the provisions of applicable laws, executive orders, and regulations, including those that require the information to be summarized and reported to the federal government for civil rights enforcement. When reported, data will not identify any specific individual.
Parent or Guardian Consent By signing this form, I the parent or legal guardian of the named below, consent to the child’s participation in the volunteer activities organized by the Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center. I understand that the child will be provided with orientation and training necessary for the safe and responsible performance of the volunteer duties and will be expected to meet all requirements of the position, including compliance with ILHMEC’s policies and procedures. I understand that my child will receive no monetary compensation for this work.